The Cunning Little Vixen, 2013. Directed by Clara Weishahn | featuring the Agnieszka Laska Dancers | Musical direction by Erica Melton.
You’re Still as Beautiful, 2012. Adaptation by Erica Melton | Directed by Clara Weishahn
“Behind the Velvet Curtain,” an OTO original short film directed by Jen Wechsler. The short introduced the characters as part of our October 2012 main stage production “The Old Maid and the Thief” performed live at the Mission Theater and broadcast on the airwaves of All Classical 89.9 FM.
Out of Eden, 2011. Adaptation By Katie Taylor | Film Direction by Jen Wechsler | Orchestral Arrangements by Erica Melton
“Cerebral Vortex” -OTO’s Entry into the 2011 48 Hour Film Project. Our team of 89 strong wrote, recorded, filmed and edited this movie in 48 hours!
Baywatch/Das Rheingold 2010. Adaptation and Libretto by Katie Taylor | Orchestral Arrangements by Erica Melton
Hercules vs. Vampires 2010. Collaboration with Filmusik | Original score composed by Patrick Morganelli | Camelia Nine as Dianara | Michael Miersma as the muscularly excessive Hercules
Dada Night 2009 Concept by Katie Taylor | Musical Arrangements by Erica Melton | Starring Michael Miersma and David Simmons | Just in time for the primaries!
Dada Night “The Eclipse” | Starring Rebecca Marques. Sooooo dirty!
“Dick’s in Space,” OTO’s 2010 entry to the 48 Hour Film Project. Over 80 hugely talented people joined forces to write, record, film and edit this movie in less than 48 Hours!
“Game Night,” OTO’s first entry to the 48 Hour Film Project in 2009. Starring Michael Miersma and Claire Brooksbank | Written by Pat Janowski and Katie Taylor | Original score by Galen Huckins | Directed by Ian Probasco